
Utopia fiber phone number
Utopia fiber phone number

utopia fiber phone number

UTOPIA Fiber has turned an important corner in its financial performance.

utopia fiber phone number

For UTOPIA Fiber, they are willing to sell monthly service for less revenue on the collective infrastructure that the 11 cities originally paid to build. Some of these ISPs are local exchange carriers that own their networks and offer exclusive internet services within given geographical footprints. UTOPIA Fiber has earned the respect and business of other service providers, however, including Beehive Broadband, SumoFiber, Veracity Networks and XMission. So far, these incumbents haven’t been interested in doing so. UTOPIA welcomes any provider that meets service level guarantees and would allow Comcast and CenturyLink to sell service through its infrastructure.

#Utopia fiber phone number download

UTOPIA charges a flat fee of $30 per month for its infrastructure, and providers offer internet services for prices that are generally $35 per month for 250 Mbps download and upload or $48 per month for 1 Gbps symmetrical service, for a total of between $65 and $78 per month. About 30 ISPs offer business services on UTOPIA’s network. UTOPIA Fiber’s Net Promoter Score of 64 contrasts very favorably with Comcast’s -3 and CenturyLink’s -6.Īs an open-access network operator, UTOPIA Fiber’s typical model is to own and operate the fiber middle-mile and last-mile network, with residential customers purchasing service from one of 10 competitive internet service providers. The metric ranges from -100 to 100, and is seen as a proxy for gauging customers’ overall satisfaction and loyalty. Consider the Net Promoter Score, an industry-accepted index measuring the willingness of customers to recommend a company’s products or services to others. UTOPIA Fiber’s customer service ratings are substantially better than those of other major ISPs in Utah, including Comcast and CenturyLink. Equally significant is the flexible approach UTOPIA Fiber has taken in working with cities, recognizing that each one is unique and that community broadband providers need to be flexible to make a fiber-to-the-home project work. broadband market that is gradually waking up to the enormous civic and competitive benefits of open access. With this expanding footprint, UTOPIA Fiber already has begun to exert a more significant influence on a U.S. This model enables new communities to join the network.

utopia fiber phone number

In Morgan and West Point, UTOPIA Fiber is in the process of financing, building and operating a network in communities outside the state’s more-urban core. It has a consulting arrangement with Idaho Falls, and has built and operates a city-owned network for Woodland Hills. UTOPIA Fiber is deploying different models depending on the setting. Now, many more communities in the intermountain West, including Idaho Falls, Idaho (population 61,000), and the small Utah communities of Morgan (population 4,200), West Point (population 9,511) and Woodland Hills (population 1,300), are seeking and getting UTOPIA Fiber. It has been a boon to its 11 city members, including West Valley City, Orem and Layton – the second, fifth and ninth largest cities in the state. The on-the-ground reality in Utah reveals a completely different picture about the fiber network. It is the largest open-access network in the United States. As a result, even advocates for municipal broadband occasionally distance themselves from this robust open-access network officially known as the Utah Telecommunications Open Infrastructure Agency. The term “failed UTOPIA” has been bandied about excessively over the past decade. If you mention UTOPIA Fiber to a resident in one of the 11 Utah cities in which the open-access broadband network operates, he or she is likely to say: “My neighbors love UTOPIA, and I can’t wait until I get it to my home!”

utopia fiber phone number

If you mention UTOPIA Fiber to a broadband network operator outside Utah, he or she is likely to say, “We don’t want our project to be the next failed UTOPIA.”

Utopia fiber phone number